The akashic dream

And so this night came and I was given so much information in this dream about the twinflame dynamic.
What I saw in this dream was something beyond, yet achievable. For some reason a mans voice told me that it is possible to reprogram one's own "records" with minor frequency patterns.  Well this program I was shown, was in the form of a game and when I asked why he told med it was to make it a easy as possible to understand it fully, so in my case it showed up as a game. It looked like an online game almost with the same dynamic as minecraft but with more possiblities and it looked like a both a sims game with an incredible amount of possibilities to create both outfits as houses and other things, everything put into places where you can not only rely on your self, you need to exchange things with others in this game.
And all characters were completely unique and everone in this game had some typical paths chosen before them specificly to match their what people call nowdays twinflames, which looked kind of logical.
I saw where I was put and it was called "gypsie" not sure what that means, but that's what he told me, this is where I started in life and build my self from absolute bottom to absolute top in a certan shape as everything in life breathes too which makes it possible to be unlucky as well as have a huge amount of luck. And asked me to see this from the perspective of spiritual connections and told me that there actually do exist people being born on this planet connected with one special person, and they really do move through life in relation to eachother. And he told me that I better believe it now, and if not, i will continuasly be given more signs on the topic.
I saw many peoples acashic records too and where they were put on this map, and I got to see their flaws of luxuries and luxure of their lifes flaws and it gave me a sort of direction within my understanding for my very own experience.
He also showed me the explenation that everyones connetion IS deifferent and it was made clear to me that if one person says "I really want or need this!" and truly mean it, this affects the entire dynamic with their chosen one as well, so if one need to go through a certain thing, then this other will be given something in relation as for something to do within their waiting even if it does not seem like it, and everytime one with this kind of connection does something purely from the heart they usually get rewards. It''s incredibly intresting just how much this is really built on pure enrgy for these kind of people.
And there are so many different ways that these people will meet and what will make these people want to follow eachother side by side is also so very different, so the only way to see one's connection is by going inwards into the heart.
And those who have have no obligations to be in pain, unless they them selves feel that way, which many seem to do at this moment. Now you would think that I talk about twinflames, but I don't even want to mention that because it's starting be hugely misconsepted as paradise, a trendy secure way to get a castle with prince charming in paradise. There are many blogs and youtubes talking about this connetion as if it is painful and that one should accept it. So I honestly refuse to bind any kind of connection with the twinflame concept. Instead I will just say, If it is mutually true love then you are meant for each other, whoever you have this connection with. <3
And this man just smiled to me and, now when I think about it he looked exactly like Mahatma gandhi. And he told me that I'm free to ask anything regarding this dynamic any time and that both me and my twin are very sweet and respectfull regarding this dynamic because we are both aware of this and have been almost our entire life especially when thinking about what power we in actual possess, and told me that I was shown others dynamics only to understand mine and my twins better, and that our harmony is not far away at all, because we have done so well that we will recieve a little extra of golden stars from the abundancy created by universe it self.
And so.. I woke up... What the heck was that!?? Well firstly, I must say that this Mahatma gandhi guy definetly knows to how give compliments to a woman in need compliments like I do.

Now I just need some time to filter this so I know if this has a deeper meaning or not, because I'm just like that, need to find deeper proof for deeper menanings. 

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