The world is sick

The world is sick.. yet 90% of the truth of why, is hidden away from humanity, left to believe that the world is innocent, like in commercials. But why is the truth left unseen to the population? And why is it important to learn as much as possible but not to learn how sick the world atually is? And why do we keep that knowledge behind closed doors?
When mentioning that our world is sick, it doesn't necissarily mean that it is sick in a particular way. Because in the end, nothing is particular in any way. That "prticular-ity" is somehow created as filters through the souls of our own eyes. It is possible to think that something is bad or good if one allow that to interfere with the reailty they have choosen to observe in the real world.
Let that sink in for a moment.
But if there are no right's or wrong's and it variety of range which is fairly questionable and should definitely give it a thought or two, but what if, why is the world divided into two definitions of what those who decide what to show and what to not, based on good and bad? They are showing others what they believe is good or bad.
But what is good and bad anyway? Because if you highly value money, then it is good as long as you get money, and if you value knowledge then it is good as long as you get knowledge, right?
Then who is to decide what is right and wrong? The population? At this moment that's exactly what 's going on, the mass decides what gets to be shown or blown. Everyone who carry the ideas and projects will be judged by what will be accepted. Always..
What's totally right and defendable today will at some point in the future be strictly obnoxious and looked down on. So it's not about what is right for real, but what is right for the mass.
Life is sick, and always will be. Always fighting for expansion and peace, hovering below perfectly imbalanced ways to take action.

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