Not for you, but for her..

Whenever she decides to make a change that will take her to new hights, they will haste, making her believe she’s wasting her time. That whatever she wants, is only a way for escaping reality. That her dreams are imposible, and her way of seeing life are only fantasies. It doesen’t exist...
And when she tries to see everything from their perspective, she realise what they mean.. Slowly her view of life and the dreams she once had, is finally faded. She can not think clearly anymore, and her dreams are now suitable for the reality they created to prevent her from getting hurt they once did.
As time goes by, she opens her eyes and the third one too. Life is too short to live by the means of others. That life doens’t give a shit about what other people say, and life have no mercy for whining little girls. She had to whipe out everything they’ve said to and about her, and start buliding the life she really wants.
She takes whatever she need to her trip of finding herself. If she leaves when no one sees, then no one will be able to stop her. Then she will be free. .
Avaliable to life, and run as fast as she can, moving towards big mountains made by success and failures. The sun will sing to her every morning and the moon will keep her safe at night. Without worrying about wich foot to set to the ground first, she just throws herself out straigth into the arms of faith.

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