If there actually exist some kind of "right" saying, thinking patterns, or some wise words that will help everyone understand how life works and how to handle life and it's ups and downs.
How easy life would be. You don't have to worry about your future. Because you already know how to learn from it.
How easy it would be to just scribble down awesome quotes. Telling people how to behave, what to think and not judging others. Elevate people with bodies and help them feel beautiful. Then next day realize how bad it's for your body to be that big, and during that time, a lot of young people has already been inspired by that popular bodytype and all the thin people are feeling ugly and misplaced. Elevating the thin bodytype once again to raise the self confidence within theese people and telling everyone that it's bad for you health look like that.
The next day. Realize that being that small isn't good for your health.
Over, and over again.
Imagine. How important are these opininions compared to the universe in the future. How important is it to change everyone over and over again within some kind of endless loop that only exist to make us distracted from what's really important?
I do not know.
But I do know that theese neverending changes to achieve some kind of rightness-award, doesn't fill any function. More than temporary satisfaction.
I belive therefore, that struggling to change someone else than yourself. Is a waste of time in your important life.