Do not interupt
If you see her sleeping in the forest, do not disturb her. Either you lay down and join her or you’ll wait for her awakening. It doesn’t matter what you think, it’s her own sleep!
Don’t try to hide her when you get embarrassed, that’s just not the way to go, if you want her to succeed in life...
Do not tell her that she’s special if she has problems, that will only give her problems a face, and there’s a risk that in time she will call it character instead of problems that should’ve been taken care of long ago.
And... Do not scare her with bullshit you’ve been trough just because you want her to grow up, just like you did. Let her find her own bullshit to handle for personal growth.
If you really lover her, you’ll let her find her own way to be the kind of person she choose to become. Be sure she has food and is relaxed along the way. Give her kisses and cookies and support her.
But... Do NOT interupt.